Sunday, 18 May 2014

Meeting new people

I'm in the middle of a 2 week period of my travels, where I'm 'going it alone'. It wasn't my intention, but that's how things worked out - now to make the best of it and meet new people. Already in Indonesia, I met a fair few people, some of whom were solo travellers, so I'm optimistic for my chances.

Depending on how you know me - as a lifelong friend, one-time university acquaintance (not *that* kind) or long-lost school pal - you'll have a different opinion on how shy or confident I am. I'm much more confident on my own, I'll haggle more, I'll kick up a fuss more and I'll make more of an attempt to 'stick it to the man' if I'm being ripped off. Here's how I attempted to meet new people:

Realise that you're not confined by these people knowing too much about you - if you want, reinvent yourself. I'm not talking change your name and nationality, but these people don't know that you're usually too embarrassed to do karaoke, so give it a go this time around. You don't need to share everything with these people, so gloss over the tale of the time that overweight 10 year old you fell off stage into a lunch crate.*

Try to stay longer and chat more than you would usually. If you're feeling tired, stick it out a bit longer. It will be worth it in the long run, you don't want to miss the plans that are being made for tomorrow 5 minutes after you say goodnight. 

Remember a lot of these people are in a similar situation. You're not the only lone traveller. You'll want to make friends as much as them, one of you needs to make the first move. And in the end, neither of you will remember who did. 

Be happy. The best thing to do is be welcoming, and smile. I arrived in Kuala Lumpur a bit down having just left Emily, with my arm in quite a lot of pain. I could have sulked off to my dorm room but I made an attempt to socialise and it worked - I felt happy and so my troubles and worries were assuaged for a while. 

*Totally, 100%, honestly made up. As if that would ever happen to me...

Have you made any lifelong friends from travelling? What are your tips to meeting new people?


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