Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Noticing the differences, part I

Before you make a trip abroad (Asia specifically) you need to be aware of a fair few differences in cultures and customs. I'll keep this short and sweet, it took me 1 minute to come up with all these so I will make a second blog as more come to me:

Toilets: The obvious one - squat toilets and bidet showers. I'm told they think our way of going to the loo is as weird as we think theirs is. 

Seatbelts: Not common at all, though you might find them in some taxis. Accept it, say your prayers and hope for the best. 

Smoking: It's a big thing in Asia, especially indoors. Clubbing while you're surrounded by Malaysian's blowing smoke in your face, not nice. 

Queuing: Doesn't happen. In any form. Try not to let it annoy you, because (from experience) explaining it to them, won't help.

Driving: In Indonesia, cars and bikes alike drive like madmen. Not so bad in the other places I've been. 

Tipping: It's a real sign of great service here because a tip is less expected, they will be very grateful if you choose to. 

Anything obvious to you? 


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