Friday, 13 June 2014

Travelling in a big group

Travelling in large numbers makes things more awkward in terms of agreeing on something, but also opens you up to the possibility of being able to rent villas/apartments cheaply. It's hard to navigate the best way to act in a large group, here's some hints:

Keep everyone on side. Try not to get too caught up in group politics; there are a lot of opinions (or at least a lot of people who are meant to be expressing opinions) and agendas. Express your opinion, and others might agree, it's much easier to come to a decision if you're all honest straight away.

Do what you want. Don't feel you need to follow the group, that's great for when you're all on the same page but the money and time to go to the Tiger Temple when you don't want to, isn't worth it - it's still your holiday.

Revel in the luxury of the perks. Cheaper accommodation when split by your group - whether being able to rent out a whole hostel dorm or your own 4 bed villa - is great. It keeps you all together and is private as well as convenient and cheap. The trick is relying on your vast number to get you deals on transport, accommodation etc. 

Most importantly, don't do it for too long. It will get too much having to make decisions on behalf of large numbers every day - from breakfast through to bedtimes. When every decision and activity is collaborative you will wish you had some time to yourself, or with your best friend/partner in the group, but it's equally hard splitting up.

Is travelling solo more your style?


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