Sunday, 20 April 2014

Surviving an 18 hour plane journey

Flying into Singapore meant a 7 hour flight to Dubai, with an hour stop over, then another 4 hours to Colombo with a 2 hour wait on the plane, followed by 4 more hours to Singapore. Since I was flying with Emirates, I was excited and settled into my seat with my first G&T of the holiday in hand, not being put off by the robust gentleman to my right. Other than drinking all the alcohol, here's how I survived the flight:

Don't always order alcohol just because it's complimentary. I got ahead of myself, I had a Gin and Tonic and fell asleep, which meant I wasn't hungry when I woke up for the next meal. Water and fruit juice is probably better for you most of the time, or at least alternate.

Walk if/when you can. If you have a connection to make, giving your legs a stretch and having to pelt it across terminals is actually great (if you make it). Similarly, even if you don't need the toilet, spy no queue and take advantage for the walk.

Take advantage of the films/TV shows if you want to stay awake. I'd almost always choose television programmes as they are shorter and more likely to keep your interest for 40 minutes than a previously-unheard-of film is for 120 minutes. 

Sleep. My party trick is being able to sleep anywhere; coach, floor, train, plane, and surprisingly hardest of all but still successful, the bed. My mind whirrs when I go to bed with so many ideas and worries so I do sometimes struggle to get to sleep. But put me on a plane and I doze within minutes, upright as well. It's a bit weird to watch. You'll need to have a nap or two to fight off tiredness and adjust to the time zones.

Do you have any tips?


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